I walked to the next room
And stood feeling gloom
For what I sought
I forgot
Empty and lost
Cruelly verified by mirror images at me tossed
I defiantly stood refusing to concede
Until finally remembering indeed
Filled with fear of an Alzheimer’s fate
I trembled at that thought that I hate
“It’s normal”, they all say
“It happened to me just today”
Comforted for a moment
With empathetic sentiment
Until out of a store later I plot
To find my car in the parking lot
That happen to me when dating my wife. I took her to a hockey game in the middle of winter and forgot the parking number. She laughed it off being young, but doubtful I would get the same response after 10 years of marriage.
Thank you for reading and responding. Glad you could relate to it.
Abby says she thought you forgot her library books this morning, but it turned out mom put them in the wrong book bag.
Emma sometimes forgets where her “Skittles” toy bear is, and she feels worried.
The 2nd grade poem club,
LOL It is always a pretty good guess to assume Grandma forgot something. I was definitely writing this poem about myself.