The monster lurked around every corner
Stealing fun and building moats in which to propagate
Its path left littered with destruction
Leaving non-healing wounds and life altering barriers
Impossible to exterminate successfully once given a start
The roots lie deep and grip one’s very soul
Are nurtured with the trusted love of infancy
And fertilized with multiple sources of well meaning intentions
Disguised behind the good
It feeds on love, heritage, religion and tradition
Destroying individual esteem unnoticed
Then devouring positive futures one at a time
The good turns to rot bit by bit
Until it is accepted as normal
It is a handy tool necessary for building
And used frequently to polish character
But when overdone it weaves itself into one’s being
To takeover will and steal joy
Snuff out talent and altar one’s fruitful journey
Until one becomes so filled that it consumes all
It is important not to help its cause
For although it may be invisible
It is everywhere and is devastating to confront
Eventually it becomes the monster that forever sleeps under the bed