We are all different, yet the same

We travel together the roads of life

Some turning left, hitting strife

Others turning right, claiming fame

But as we walk our paths

Differences blend to similarity

Simplistic conclusions

To life’s questions

Gain clarity

Different and unique we certainly can claim

Yet we still remain the same

Gayle Blancett

10 thoughts on “SAME

  1. You are so good. Iike your website, especially your poem. The horses are expensive, the man is old. You have done it! Write and publish more.

  2. I don’t care how long it takes you to remember what you may have forgotten before; I will wait patiently for each blog, each word. You have me hooked! I’ll travel with you on this journey as you share your talents! You are loved and missed, dear friend!

  3. Emma says we are all a like in different ways. For instance I like art and abby likes math, But we are the same because we like pokemon’s.

    Abby says we can all be the same and different, and thats what makes life interesting.

    Abby and Emma’s bed time ponders.

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