Wind blows a single strand of hair

Weightlessly across my face

Touching my eyes and tickling my nose

Just enough to annoy


The trees bounce and clap their leaves

As a golf cart speeds around the bend from sight

Voices carried by wind are delivered to ears unrecognizable


A hedge hides the green

From the walls of glass

Where eyes are always watching

And feet are constantly moving


Smiles are epidemic,

Fine tuned instruments played well

Where business is shared freely

In the neighborhood by the greens


Beautiful cultured nature abounds

Harmonizing with elements uncontrolled

A disparity defined by perspective

At the precise moment of personal interception



Sitting in my reclining chair,

Snuggled among the wee hours of the quiet still morning,

Savoring the abundance of calm

That is impossible to experience

In the light of the day,

The smell of brewing coffee beckons me.


In complete contrast to the ringing of telephones,

The chattering of media

That routinely invades the daytime hours,

And the rushing sounds of various motors and wheels,

Speeding on pavement and churning the air

As they pass in the distance.

In this time, I can savor a calm sip of coffee.


The peaceful darkness is only interrupted

By the occasional refrigerator and heat pump motors

As they cycle on to do their nightshift work,

And the slight movements of the dog

As he snores and dreams in his bed by the fireplace.

It is now, that I can truly enjoy another sip of coffee.


Not long before the quiet calm

Gives way to a bird’s song and a rooster’s crow,

My coveted visit with myself is replaced with

Invading thoughts of busy plans and noisy chores.

The light of the new day crawls slowly over the horizon

And now I empty my cup of its last cherished and invigorating sip of coffee.


The rooster’s crow will soon be replaced

By the sprinkling sound of the pool’s artificial falls

The dancing trees twisting and bending in the wind

Now pushed away, replaced with wired music filling every space

As it squeezes to escape through meshed rectangles imbedded discretely in the walls


The safe hermitage hidden behind an automatic gate and

Protected by the ancient arms of giant live oak trees

Is now abandoned, traded for a prominently displayed welcome mat

Playing the opening act for glass walls and a magnetic pool of captured water


Excitement, anticipation, sadness, and hard work confuse the heart

Fresh choices filled with unseen horizons and perspectives

Stretch the imagination to extreme contortion

Refusing to concede to time boundary penetration


Limited by ones own decisions, helpless against destiny,

And bound by personal circumstances,

The journey is lived one second at a time

Awed by prospects and driven by a quest for purpose


With cherished friends and memories clinched close

Humility, compassion, and gratitude anchored deeply in the soul,

Past and future hopes blend to reveal the present realities and exciting

Possibilities of today soon to be followed by tomorrow


DAD’S LESSONS AND A TRAIL OF TREASURES (Papa Stub to the grandchildren)

Dad taught us many things

Through expeditions up mountains, along trails,

Sunday afternoon car rides

And picnicking at a scenic creek, mountain, or roadside park


Discipline, endurance, fun, and adventure

Stinging nettles, stink bugs, milkweeds and snakes

Digging in sand dunes, wading in a cool spring,

Skipping a rock across the water

All were lessons wrapped in fun


The pain of the hot mid-day July Texas sun

And the power of an unexpected rain shower on a hike

The feel of loblollies made at the edge of a stock tank

And the taste of frog legs deep-fried in granny’s old country kitchen


Moss grows on the north side of a tree

Don’t go spelunking without first telling dad

Catch a possum by the tail, chase an armadillo,

But never ever disturb a skunk


Prickly pears hurt, although they can be good to eat

It is fun to make a bow and arrow

From a limb of a nearby willow tree


There is no need to hurt or kill another living creature

Not daddy long leg spiders, ugly insects,

Nor even killer bees


Clear the rocks on many hot days from a lake lot,

Then dump truckloads of fill stones on top

Quickly teach new depths of gratitude

For cooling dips in the lake


Dad could play happy songs on a French harp

Or on his personally made electric guitar

He fashioned flute like whistles from cane grown beside a creek

And his drums were beautifully crafted from wood


He could walk on his hands from the front yard to the back

And easily throw us high in the air when we begged

He was loved and feared all in the same breath

And his lessons remain with us still today


His comfort in daily routine

And his lifelong passion for woodwork

Enabled the creating of daily objects of beauty

Marking his time spent in joyful productivity

And resulting in a trail of treasures for others to admire




I walk the earth with the dinosaurs

Divided only by time

Fossils scrapbook their journey

As the wind sings a same song


I share the sky with the *Archaeopteryx

When my eyes slice through the willowy clouds

And kindred winds tickle my skin

As I drink in the sun’s consoling warmth


For each new earthly wind,

Cloud, sunshine, and walk,

Offer exhilarating freshness

For the dinosaurs, me,

And all the creatures to follow



*Archaeopteryx – “one of a family of extinct reptile like birds of the Jurassic period”



The morning song heard through the cool open window

Is the rooster’s crow hidden deeply in the shadow of the moon

Laboriously, he hoists the sun

To once again close its journey circle


Anticipation for the day’s agenda

Already lays heavy on my brow

Testing personal expectations

And creating deficiency apprehensions


How I yearn for the simple days of youth

When life burdens did not strain weakened muscles

And pull relentlessly against the tendons

Toughened through experience


Then, the roosters just crowed

The sun simply came up

Expectations were routine

And I did not comprehend the lyrics


*(TMI) a current acronym used in some circles for “too much information”


An iPod in my ear

Brings me cheer

Drapes my thoughts with a cape

And lets me escape

An iPod in my ear

Takes away fear

Can correct a mood

And help my troubles to elude

An iPod in my ear

Can restart my daily gear

Put a bounce in my step

So the floors can be happily swept

An iPod in my ear

Increases surprises from the rear

But there it will surely stay

Because we all know an “Apple” keeps the doctor away


Two daughter-in laws

Individual and vastly different

As all the seasonal springs and falls


Special and unique,

With they’re perfected

Talents and technique


Sparkles from my son’s eyes dart

Directed only to his

Very own sweetheart


Choices and affections are easy to understand

For they too are as antipodal

As the daily ocean sand


How happy to know each has found

The perfect mate

To hold his feet on the ground


Honest, smart, and beautiful, to see

Good loving mothers

They have shown to be


The same?


They will never claim


But they are perfection

Each to their own

Love and direction


What is that loud sound?

No one should be around

Is someone at the door?


There it goes again

It was much louder then

I do not want to hear more


The gate is locked

No one should have knocked

I am frightened to the core


All my courage I seek

Tiptoeing to the door I peek

The horse is rubbing its butt against the door!


Smiling as I walked her back

To the waiting hay stack

Relieved that Fear was no longer knocking at my door




Following the path of age was long and treacherous

Mud balls of ideals and experiences

Carefully collected along the way

Stuck secure and heavy to my feet


Overflowing responsibilities

Carefully gathered, stuffed in a pack,

And securely strapped to my back

Simultaneously strengthened and weakened me


Priding myself with the treasures I obtained

And armed with undaunted focus on easy times to come

I forged forward, compelled and burdened

With dutiful determination griped on my face


Finally seeking to redeem earned treasures

Redemption had turned to a mirage

Always disappearing just as I reached to claim it

The unobtainable reward had simply been the journey itself


I hear the thunder of the approaching storm

Lightning decorates the predawn sky

Weathermen talking with an aura of alarm

Dangerous hail and floods threatening damage to the farm


The family is sleeping still

As I worry and sit by the window sill

My garden is barely ready for harvest

Will the hail destroy all the rest?


As the storm arrived

My concerns were of many deprived

Previous floods of a season of extremes

Already have accumulated to overflow the streams


Last year at this time we had no rain

Yet the news was still of the resulting pain

From unmade crops and suffering livestock

Nothing but worry done around the clock


Still I sit here in the comfort of my home

Safe, cool, dry, fed, and never alone

Helpless against the storms all around

Fearing what could fall next on the ground


Suddenly the storm is over

No hail fell on the garden or clover

The squirrels are out in such a scurry

No damage done here except for the worry


Words swirling through one’s head

Only to fall in a heap dead

A hurricane of thoughts circling aimlessly

Memories of which are cast aside unwillingly


Efforts are made of the words to catch

Scrambling for meanings to unlatch

Struggling to put in order

And neatly enclose with a border


Words heavy laden

With philosophical leaven

Overwhelmed with emotions

Desperate to share intellectual portions


So much is forgotten

And becomes rotten

In a huge grammatical collage

As unattainable as a mirage


Happy to gather a little bit

One meaning is a happy hit

One successful sentence out of so much to share

Makes all the confusion much easier to bear


A focus leak

Of which we so often speak

This likely may be

An infamous battle of Alzheimer or  *A.D.D.


*Attention Deficit Disorder




Chickens peck, scratch, and rest

While the coop wire protects them all around

Not a care or worry they carry

Just eat, squawk, lay eggs, and scratch the ground


Feed thrown through the wire

Falls like golden rain to the earth

Anticipating the treasures from the heavens

They scramble madly for their treat of worth


Oblivious they seem of the opportunist squirrels

Who laboriously gather the wire-clinging grain

Briefly trapped between the beams

And the heavens from which they did rain


A cardinal redbird makes a fast red swoop

To grab his straggling feast there

As the squirrel retreats to hide his treasure

Not at all of the bird aware


Focused on their grain each day

Each to the other was oblivious

The big picture is only revealed

When oblivious is replaced by obvious



Black lies, White lies, Gray lies,

Or lies of omissions

Hurt and stink

As foul and lethal as automobile emissions

All reek of deceit

Falling on their victims feet

With as much power and velocity

As a hurling block of concrete

So why is it so cool

Each other to fool

Putting best tricks in a pool

To carry home to the barstool

No one wins

Justifying the sins

Most often the loss is kin

And one’s very own skin


The north winds raced across the field picking up speed

Greeting and pushing the trees aside

And swirling around the corners of the house

In a playful arrogant rush


The horses darted in and around the cooling wind

With equal mischief and excitement

Kicking up their heels in the air

In direct rebellion and competition with the changing elements


The whistling interruption of the hyper air

Synchronized to the exuberant beat of the horses hoofs

And joined hands at the opposite horizons

Partnering with the sky’s stampeding gray clouds


It was an aggressive and expected announcement

Of the arrival of an old and dear friend

An Appropriate and suitable escort for

The welcome introgression of the seasonal change